The price of orthodontics by Dr. Noura Radwan
سعر تقويم الاسنان Orthodontic price Dr. Noura Radwan is considered one of the prominent names in the field of dentistry in Egypt, providing a variety of orthodontic services. In this article, we will review the details of orthodontic pricing, the factors that determine the cost, as well as the benefits that patients can gain from treatment. What is orthodontics? Orthodontics is a medical procedure aimed at correcting the position of the teeth and jaws, helping to improve the overall appearance of the mouth and smile. Treatment includes the use of different orthodontic devices, such as metal braces, clear braces, and ceramic braces, which move the teeth to their correct positions. Orthodontic prices in Egypt Orthodontic prices in Egypt generally range from 10,000 to 30,000 Egyptian pounds, but these prices can vary based on several factors, including: Calendar type: Metal braces: It is considered the most common and least expensive option, as its price ranges from 10,000 to 15,000...